Saturday, December 22, 2012

Study Skills and Technology Applications for Academic Success Workshop

The DC Capital Branch of the International Dyslexia Association presents:

Study Skills and Technology Applications for
Academic Success Workshop
This workshop is a mult-isensory workshop for educational professionals and parents. Sponsored by Commonwealth Academy and in partnership with ASDEC, this full day presentation will focus on strategies which are appropriate for all learners but especially helpful for those who have learning disabilities.
The morning presentation, Study Skills for Academic Success, will include time management, organization, memory training, vocabulary development, and abstracting from text. Participants will have a choice for the afternoon breakout sessions on either Applications in Technology: Test/Exam Preparation or Applications in Technology: E Readers & Note Taking. Participants will receive ready-to-use tools and information so that they may begin to use these strategies immediately with students. Attendees are encouraged to BYOD- bring your own device to this workshop. 

Presenters:   Joy Jacques, CALT, ASDEC Instructor;Marilyn Zecher, M.A., CALT, ASDEC Instructor & National Speaker; Sonya Atkinson, Upper School Learning Specialist, Flint Hill School

IDA logo
Time: 9:00 am- 3:30 pm (8:30 am sign in)
Where: Commonwealth Academy,
Fees: Early Registration by 12/31 IDA Members: $90 Non-members $100
         After 12/31 IDA Members: $110   Non-members: $120 (Lunch included)

Registration:  Available online by  clicking here  or by mail to:  DCIDA, 501 Mac Arthur Dr,
                                                                                         Rockville MD 20850   (301) 315-0563.

   Appropriate for all educational professionals and parents supporting students Grades 5-12. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Nuts & Bolts of VA Medicaid Waivers

"The Nuts & Bolts of Virginia Medicaid Waivers"
Guest Speaker:
Savina Avila
Client Advocate, The Arc of Northern Virginia
January 14, 2013, 7:30-9:00pmMcLean Bible Church, Tysons Campus, Community Room B(lower level)
(8925 Leesburg Pike, Vienna, VA)

Did you know there are programs that give assistance for respite, assistive technology, and other services for children and adults with special needs? ID, DD, EDCD — what do they all mean? This lecture will provide an overview of the Medicaid Waiver System in Virginia.
You will learn what a waiver is, why you might need one, what it can do for your family and how to apply for it.
 Please click here for the January lecture flyer with more information.
(printable version, 
click here)

Click here for the flyer of the entire 2012-2013 Lecture Series
(printable version, click here)

Check out the Lecture Series website for the audio and handouts from previous lectures. 
The Access Community Lecture Series, hosted by the Access Ministry of McLean Bible Church, takes place one Monday evening each month from September – June (excluding April). A speaker gives a presentation on a topic of interest to the disability community.  The lectures cover a variety of issues affecting all ages and disabilities. They are free and open to anyone in the community who would be helped by these resources especially parents, teachers, therapists, and volunteers.  As a reminder, the lectures are intended for adults only, so please make other childcare arrangements as necessary. 
If you would like to have hard-copies of the flyers to hand out, please email me your address and the quantity that you would like and I will send them to you. Also, if you would prefer to have the flyers emailed to you as a PDF attachment, just let me know.  We would love to get the word out about the Lecture Series to as many people as possible to help provide more resources to those affected by disabilities and those who help care for them.
Thank you for your help and for your time.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or to RSVP (appreciated, but not required) at or 703-770-2938.

New and information from the Alexandria Parent Resource Center

January 2, 2013: JCCNV Special Needs Parent Support Group
7:00-8:30pm8900 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax, VA
This group welcomes parents and caregivers of school-age children with disabilities/special needs. Melissa Hochberg, JCCNV Special Needs Resource Specialist and JSSA's Larisa deGraffenreid, LCSW, facilitate the group, focused on providing resources, gaining knowledge, learning coping mechanisms and strategies and providing mutual support. Please email Melissa if interested in attending this group.
Cost: $15 per meeting.

January 2, 2013GPS+ (Generating Person-Centered Solutions and Supports)
7:00-9:00pm98 N. Washington Street, Falls Church, VAIf you're a parent with a new diagnosis on the autism spectrum, or new to Northern Virginia or experiencing a transition into school, middle school, high school or adult life, this event is well worth your time. Introductory resource information along with some important information on schools and county services will be provided with numbers to call and a path to take to start you on your way to providing your child and family all the services they might need. Please RSVP to the Arc at 703-532-3214, extension 101 as we limit the number of families to provide personalized information from the experts at the table.

January 8
Lunch Bunch with the Ability AllianceNoon-2:00pm98 N. Washington Street, Falls Church, VA. 
Bring a bag lunch and talk to experts about your questions and concerns in navigating the maze of services for individuals with disabilities and on the spectrum. Number of families limited to provide personalized information, so RSVP to the Arc at 703-532-3214 and ask to RSVP for L
unch Bunch.

January 8: Dyslexia Workshop 
7:00am-8:00pmDunn Loring Center for Parent Services, 2334 Gallows Road, Dunn Loring, VA 
Learn the common signs of dyslexia and practical strategies to support elementary and secondary students with dyslexia.Workshop presented by the FCPS Office of Special Education Instruction.For more information: call the FCPS Parent Resource Center at 703-204-3941

January 9
The Lives of Students with Gifts & Talents: Parent Information Night7:00-9:00pmRobinson Secondary School, 5035 Sideburn Road, Fairfax, VA
Special parent session on the needs of twice exceptional (2E) learners, offered by FCPS offices of Advanced Academic Programs and Special Education. This session will be presented by Dr. Tracy Cross, Executive Director for Gifted Education at The College of William and Mary.

January 10
ADHD: Brain Development in Childhood and Brain Changes Over Time10:00am-12:00pmDunn Loring Center for Parent Services, 2334 Gallows Road, Dunn Loring, VA 
Researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health are studying brain development in children with ADHD. Learn how emotions, social situations and problem-solving skills are processed in children with ADHD at this free workshop. Workshop presented by the FCPS Office of Special Education Instruction. For more information: call the FCPS Parent Resource Center at 703-204-3941
flyer attached, please distribute
January 12
POAC-NoVA Information and Support Group Meeting1:00-4:00pmJewish Community Center of Northern Virginia, 8900 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax, VA
Join us at our January member support meeting when POAC-NoVA presents our annual "How to get the most out of your Child's School Program" presented by Parents for Parents. Learn from the voices of experience when it comes to IEP meetings. It is FREE and open to the public. For more information:

January 12: Sensory Friendly Performance by the National Symphony Orchestra
11:00am-1:00pm, Kennedy Center, Washington, DC
The Kennedy String Quartet demonstrates many types of musical contrasts and shows how composers use opposites to express a stunning variety of musical moods and emotions. For age 4+. Contact the VSA & Accessibility Office at 202-416-8727 (voice) or to sign up. For more information:
GKSN: Grandparents of Kids with Special Needs

The Sibling Support Project and the Kindering Center are pleased to announce GKSN—Grandparents of Kids with Special Needs.We believe that no one understands a grandparent’s unique joys and concerns better than another grandparent of a child with special needs. On the GKSN website, grandparents will have a chance to meet other grandparents through our Yahoogroup or Facebook groups, share ideas for supporting their kids and grandkids, and even post pictures of their grandkids! Please
Airport Social Stories for Autism Access Program Like Dullus International Airport, the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) provides the Airport Autism Access Program, which creates opportunities for children with autism and their families to become familiar with traveling through the airport.  In addition to the simulated airport experience, they also provideSocial Stories™ by Carol Gray:

National Center for Prenatal and Postnatal Down Syndrome Resources
The University of Kentucky's Human Development Institute (HDI) is proud to announce the launch of its National Center for Prenatal and Postnatal Down Syndrome Resources TheNational Center websiteprovides a portal for medical professionals and new and expectant parents to find out about what each of these free and well-established resources offers. The activities of the National Center include the distribution of professional resources to medical providers and their patients both in print and online; the development of new materials; and national medical outreach through journal publications and presentations at medical conferences.
New Online B.A. in Disability Studies from CUNY School of Professional Studies
This year, the CUNY School of Professional Studies (SPS) debuted a new, fully online B.A. in Disability Studies. As the first and only undergraduate program of its kind in the country, the Online B.A. in Disability Studies gives you the skills to improve the lives of people with disabilities, and paves the way for job advancement within the field.You can tailor the program to meet your individual career pursuits by electing a concentration in one of the following areas: Intellectual/Developmental Disability,Autism Spectrum Disorder,Mental/Behavioral Health, or Interdisciplinary Disability Studies. CUNY SPS is happy to answer any questions that you may have about the Online B.A. in Disability Studies. Contact them at inquiry@sps.cuny.eduor212.652.2869.
The Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind is offering FREE Signing Classes
These classes are offered for parents and families of young children with hearing loss. All skill levels are welcomed! Child care is provided for children from birth-12 years old. Class time:6:15-7:45pm. Class dates are: Nov. 8 & 29, Dec. 6 & 13, Jan. 10& 31, Feb. 21 & 28, March 7 & 21, April 4 & 18, and May 2, 16, & 30. All classes are held on Thursday nights at VSDB, 514 East Beverley St, Staunton, Virginia. Contact Kathy Guisewite for more information

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Statements from Autistic global Initiative &

This morning, the leadership of ARI's Autistic Global Initiative project issued the following statement:
"Our thoughts and prayers are with the community of Newtown, Connecticut today in the wake of yesterday's tragedy. Some public comments have drawn potentially inaccurate and stigmatizing conclusions about a link between the diagnosis and a propensity for violence and lack of empathy.

The autism community has long labored toward building understanding, awareness, and trust within communities throughout the United States and the world. As adults with autism living productive, peaceful lives, we urge the media and professionals who participate in speculative interviews about the motives of the accused shooter to refrain from misleading comments about autism and other neurodevelopmental disabilities. The eyes of the world are on this wrenching tragedy - with 1 in 88 now diagnosed, misinformation could easily trigger increased prejudice and m
isunderstanding. Let us all come together and mourn for the families and exercise the utmost care in discussions of how and why it occurred."

Valerie Paradiz, Ph.D.
Director, Autistic Global Initiative
on behalf of the AGI Executive Leadership & the Autism Research Institute
Media Contact: Denise Fulton

Scott Badesch to CNN
I am the President of the Autism Society of America. Your reporter just told the nation that two people mentioned that today's shooter lived with autism. First, that is heresay and not yet documented. Second, there is absolutely no link between autism and planned violence. Third, may who are diagnosed with autism have a dual diagnosis such as depression or other possible developmental or mental health related diagnosis. To imply or sugggest, as your reporter did, that autism might be a cause of this is not only wrong but extremely wrong in that it suggests a false conclusion and implication that is harmful to every person who has an autism diagnosis.

Scott Badesch, President, Autism Society of America 

Friday, December 14, 2012

News and events from the Alexandria Parent Resource Center

January 2, 2013: JCCNV Special Needs Parent Support Group
7:00-8:30pm8900 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax, VA
This group welcomes parents and caregivers of school-age children with disabilities/special needs. Melissa Hochberg, JCCNV Special Needs Resource Specialist and JSSA's Larisa deGraffenreid, LCSW, facilitate the group, focused on providing resources, gaining knowledge, learning coping mechanisms and strategies and providing mutual support. Please email Melissa if interested in attending this group.
Cost: $15 per meeting.

January 2, 2013GPS+ (Generating Person-Centered Solutions and Supports)
7:00-9:00pm98 N. Washington Street, Falls Church, VAIf you're a parent with a new diagnosis on the autism spectrum, or new to Northern Virginia or experiencing a transition into school, middle school, high school or adult life, this event is well worth your time. Introductory resource information along with some important information on schools and county services will be provided with numbers to call and a path to take to start you on your way to providing your child and family all the services they might need. Please RSVP to the Arc at 703-532-3214, extension 101 as we limit the number of families to provide personalized information from the experts at the table.

TeletonUSA y Univision lanza evento para recaudar fondospara los niños con discapacidades La FundaciĂłn TeletĂłn  y el canal de televisiĂłn, Univision, lanzanuna recaudaciĂłn de fondos el 14 y 15 de diciembre para los niños con discapacidad y cáncer con el fin de construir el primer centro de rehabilitaciĂłn para niños o TeletĂłn en los Estados Unidos y apoyar a los hospitales más prestigiososde la naciĂłn para los niños. Para obtener más informaciĂłn, por favor visite el sitio web en (en español).

Exciting New Social Skills Program at Ivymount

The Unstuck and On Target! Program is a 20 week, wrap-around program beginning on Saturday, Jan 5th and running throughSaturday, May 25th. The program consists of weekly therapeutic student groups and bimonthly parent instructional groups. Parent sessions will be led by Monica Adler Werner, M.A., director of the Model Asperger Program  (MAP) at The Ivymount School, and will include direct instruction, student observation, round-table discussion and follow-up support. Tuition for The Unstuck and On Target! program is $2500 (for 30 total sessions).We do not accept any insurance at this time, however we encourage parents to check with their insurance provider regarding coverage and reimbursement. For more information on tuition, schedule and registration, please contact Amy Couch,  Registration closes December 14, 2012.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

News from Fairfax County Parent resource center

Topic: Toilet Training 
This workshop is intended for parents of students with the low incidence disabilities of Autism, Intellectual Disabilities or Physical Disabilities.

Two sessions will be offered on December 19, 2012:

Leis Center Administrative Room 1
7423 Camp Alger Ave
Falls Church, VA 22042 Falls

Gatehouse Administrative Center 
Room 4050/4051
8115 Gatehouse Road
Falls Church, VA 22042

To register contact Liane Sprunk at 571-423‐4110 or by email and provide
your name and contact information (phone number and/or email) in case we need to contact
you. For questions contact Tina Wilkerson at 571-423‐4156or by email at
Download flier and registration information at: 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Parent Resource information

December 8: Sibling Workshop: Ready or Not...8:00am-3:00pm, Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway Fairfax, VA
As a sibling of an individual with special needs, do you have questions about where you fit in? Please join us for a very special workshop that addresses many of the issues and questions that you face as a brother or sister.**This workshop is designed for adult siblings, but the whole family is welcome to attend**  Please RSVP to Carey Alford 703-865-6502

December 8Feeding and Eating Problems of Children with Autism and Other Disabilities
1:00-4:00pm, Enterprise Hall Room 80, George Mason University, Fairfax Campus
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and related developmental disorders may experience challenges associated with feeding, including limited preferences, sensory sensitivity, aversions, interfering behaviors, delayed skill acquisition, and/or underlying medical issues. This workshop will provide behavioral strategies to make mealtimes more positive for parents and children based on a child’s specific need’s and learning style. Presented by Charlotte Crane, M.Ed., BCBA and Jane Dettra MS,OTR/L. $25 for Parents. To register:

December 8: AMC Sensory Friendly Film: Rise of theGuardians:10:00am, at area theatres
In Partnership with the Autism Society, local AMC theaters provide sensory friendly showings of films every month. For more information:

December 8: 
The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg Sensory-Friendly Performance
11:00am, The Family Theatre, The Kennedy Center, Washington, DCIn a Kennedy Center commissioned production, this world premiere adaptation of acclaimed author Rodman Philbrick's witty and poignant novel follows young Homer P. Figg, an orphan who must journey into the thick of the Civil War to save his brother. For ages 8+. For more information:

December 9: Imagination Stage Presents a Sensory Friendly Presentation of Seussical
11:00am, Imagination Stage, 4908 Auburn Avenue Bethesda,MD
Imagination Stage is excited to announce the launch of our sensory-friendly performance series, beginning with our first sensory-friendly performance of SeussicalImagination Stage has been working closely with a network of theatre professionals and nationwide autism experts to help us prepare for this new series. Our Box Office and Front of House staffs are trained to create an accessible and welcoming experience for your child and your family.  Our box office can assist you with seating preferences and answer questions about this sensory-friendly performance. Tickets may be purchased by phone only and are on sale now. Tickets start at $15. To purchase tickets, please call our box office at 301-280-1660.

December 13: Become a Stronger Advocate Workshop6:00-8:00pmFormed Families Forward offices, 4031 University Dr., Fairfax,VA
Formed Families Forward and Voices for Virginia's Childreninvite foster, adoptive and kinship families to an interactive workshop. Participants will learn and practice techniques to improve positive communication with schools; understand legal and procedural options for resolving disputes with school
personnel; learn about the state legislative schedule and process, and identify opportunities to provide policymakers with input and information; learn and practice advocacy tips for communicating with legislators, both one-on-one and at committee meetings and other opportunities to give testimony; understand and practice tips for talking with reporters and using media to help share information and your story. For more information: or at

December 14 & 15:
TeletonUSA and Univision launch fundraiser event for children with disabilities

Teleton Foundation and Spanish television channel, Univision, are holding a fundraiser on December 14 and 15 for children with disabilities and cancer
to build the first rehabilitation center for children or Teleton in theUnited States and support the nation's most prestigious hospitals for children. For more information, please visit the website at Spanish).

TeletonUSA y Univision lanza evento para recaudar fondospara los niños con discapacidades La FundaciĂłn TeletĂłn  y el canal de televisiĂłn, Univision, lanzanuna recaudaciĂłn de fondos el 14 y 15 de diciembre para los niños con discapacidad y cáncer con el fin de construir el primer centro de rehabilitaciĂłnpara niños o TeletĂłn en los Estados Unidos y apoyar a los hospitales más prestigiosos de la naciĂłn para los niños. Para obtener más informaciĂłn, por favor visite el sitio web en (en español).

Exciting New Social Skills Program at Ivymount

The Unstuck and On Target! Program is a 20 week, wrap-around program beginning on Saturday, Jan 5th and running throughSaturday, May 25th. The program consists of weekly therapeutic student groups and bimonthly parent instructional groups. Parent sessions will be led by Monica Adler Werner, M.A., director of the Model Asperger Program  (MAP) at The Ivymount School, and will include direct instruction, student observation, round-table discussion and follow-up support. Tuition for The Unstuck and On Target! program is $2500 (for 30 total sessions).We do not accept any insurance at this time, however we encourage parents to check with their insurance provider regarding coverage and reimbursement. For more information on tuition, schedule and registration, please contact Amy Couch,  Registration closes December 14, 2012.
flyer attached, please distribute
Airport Social Stories for Autism Access Program 
Like Dullus International Airport, the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) provides the Airport Autism Access Program, which creates opportunities for children with autism and their families to become familiar with traveling through the airport.  In addition to the simulated airport experience, they also provideSocial Stories™ by Carol Gray:

National Center for Prenatal and Postnatal Down Syndrome Resources
The University of Kentucky's Human Development Institute (HDI) is proud to announce the launch of its National Center for Prenatal and Postnatal Down Syndrome Resources TheNational Center websiteprovides a portal for medical professionals and new and expectant parents to find out about what each of these free and well-established resources offers. The activities of the National Center include the distribution of professional resources to medical providers and their patients both in print and online; the development of new materials; and national medical outreach through journal publications and presentations at medical conferences.
New Online B.A. in Disability Studies from CUNY School of Professional Studies
This year, the CUNY School of Professional Studies (SPS) debuted a new, fully online B.A. in Disability Studies. As the first and only undergraduate program of its kind in the country, the Online B.A. in Disability Studies gives you the skills to improve the lives of people with disabilities, and paves the way for job advancement within the field.You can tailor the program to meet your individual career pursuits by electing a concentration in one of the following areas: Intellectual/Developmental Disability,Autism Spectrum Disorder,Mental/Behavioral Health, or Interdisciplinary Disability Studies. CUNY SPS is happy to answer any questions that you may have about the Online B.A. in Disability Studies. Contact them at inquiry@sps.cuny.eduor212.652.2869.
The Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind is offering FREE Signing Classes
These classes are offered for parents and families of young children with hearing loss. All skill levels are welcomed! Child care is provided for children from birth-12 years old. Class time:6:15-7:45pm. Class dates are: Nov. 8 & 29, Dec. 6 & 13, Jan. 10& 31, Feb. 21 & 28, March 7 & 21, April 4 & 18, and May 2, 16, & 30. All classes are held on Thursday nights at VSDB, 514 East Beverley St, Staunton, Virginia. Contact Kathy Guisewite for more information

ACPS parent Resource Center News & Events

December 11: Support Group For Parents of Students with Autism
Family Resource Center, Minnie Howard, Room 134, 3801 W. Braddock Rd, Alexandria
Are you a parent of an ACPS student with autism? Join us for our monthly Autism Parent Support Group to meet with other parents, share your thoughts, and learn from each other. Facilitated by the Autism team. For more information contact Monica Sanjur.

December 18: Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Monthly Meeting
7:00-9:00pm, Minnie Howard Media Center, 3801 W. Braddock Rd. Alexandria

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Oakwood school speaker series.

Just sharing this event, I think it will be a great one for parents..
Oakwood school always has great speakers and events.

Event to be held at the following time, date, and location:
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The Oakwood Parent Association (OPA) invites you to a presentation by Weezie Parry, LSW, MEd, as she shares her insights in developing effective coping strategies and building self-esteem in our school-aged children to enhance positive peer and...
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We hope you can make it!

Oakwood Parent Association