Sunday, October 27, 2013

ACPS Parent Resource Family Engagement Series


Puberty & Children with Intellectual Disabilities & Autism

Wednesday, November 13, 2013  7:00 9:00pm
T.C.Williams High School, Minnie Howard Campus  Media Center

The goal of this workshop is to give parents the tools they need to teach their child about their changing body and how to set appropriate boundaries to remain safe. Body changes, hygiene, privacy & prevention of exploitation are addressed.

Presented by: Janet Reese, ACPS Parent Support Specialist
Capacity: 30 participants
NOTE: Registration closes on November 6, 2013. Be sure to register prior to this date.

Understanding the IEP Process

Wednesday, December 04, 2013  10:00 11:30am
Monday, May 05, 2014  10:00 11:30am
T.C.Williams High School, Minnie Howard Campus  Room 134 (Family Resource Center)

This informative workshop is designed to give parents, new to ACPS Special Education services, a basic understanding of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process.

Presented by: Janet Reese, ACPS Parent Support Specialist Capacity: 10 participants
NOTE: Registration closes on November 22, 2013 & April 28, 2014.

Be sure to register prior to these dates.

10 Things Every Parent Should Know About Assistive Technology

Wednesday, January 15, 2014  7:00 8:30pm
T.C.Williams High School, Minnie Howard Campus  Media Center

This informative workshop will answer ten of the most frequently asked questions regarding Assistive Technology (AT), to increase parents awareness. Questions include: How is AT accessed? Is AT geared towards a specific disability?

Presented by: Jennifer Holloway, ACPS Lead Assistive Technology Specialist Capacity: 30 participants
NOTE: Registration closes on December 15, 2013. Be sure to register
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Executive Function Strategies to Empower Your Child

Wednesday, January 29, 2014  7:00 9:00pm
T.C.Williams High School, Minnie Howard Campus  Media Center

This workshop will allow parents to gain insights into empowering their child to strengthen executive function skills, thereby allowing them to gain confidence and improve their emotional, organizational, academic and social skills. The presenter is an internationally acclaimed expert in the field of ADHD coaching for youth, and author ofEmpowering Youth with ADHD: Your Guide to Coaching Adolescents and Young Adults.

Presented by: Jodi Sleeper-Triplett, MCC, SCAC
Capacity: 30 participants
NOTE: Registration closes on January 22, 2014. Be sure to register prior to this date.

College Planning & Preparation for Students with Learning Differences

Wednesday, February 19, 2014  7:00 9:00pm
T.C.Williams High School, Minnie Howard Campus  Media Center

This workshop will provide parents with strategies to help their student to plan, prepare & successfully remain in college. It will focus on testing accommodations, appropriate college support services, SAT vs. ACT tests, independence and self-advocacy. The presenter specializes in individualized college planning for students with learning differences.

Presented by: Joan Witten, Education Consultant, The College Consulting Collaborative Capacity: 30 participants
NOTE: Registration closes on February 12, 2014. Be sure to register prior to this date.

What About Me?
Siblings of Children with Disabilities

Wednesday, March 19, 2014  7:00 9:00pm
T.C.Williams High School, Minnie Howard Campus  Media Center

Siblings of children with disabilities frequently struggle with feelings of resentment towards their sibling, anxiety, hyper-vigilance, and at times believe they need to assume responsibility for their sibling. Often they even feel ignored by their parents and isolated from their peers. The focus of this workshop is to give parents the tools to help siblings cope with conflicting feelings, gain confidence and understand how to manage their family situation.

Presented by: Janet Reese, ACPS Parent Support Specialist
Capacity: 30 participants
NOTE: Registration closes on March 12, 2014. Be sure to register prior to this date.

Managing Anxiety & Building Resilience in Children with ADHD, ASD & Learning Differences

Monday, April 07, 2014  7:00 9:00pm
T.C.Williams High School, Minnie Howard Campus  Media Center

Academic struggles and trying to navigate socially through a world that doesn’t make sense can lead to anxiety in many children with ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) & learning differences. The goal of this workshop is to give parents some strategies to help their children manage anxiety and stress, cope with disappointment, and maximize their strengths.

Presented by: TBD
Capacity: 30 participants
NOTE: Registration closes on April 01, 2014. Be sure to register prior to this date.

Friday, October 18, 2013

VA special education parent survey

State Conducts 2013-14 Special Education Parent Involvement Survey

The Virginia Department of Education is asking all parents of children receiving special education services in the Commonwealth to complete the 2013-14 Special Education Parent Involvement Survey. Information from the survey is used by each state to complete its Annual Performance Report, to be filed with the U.S. Department of Education, in keeping with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The survey is anonymous and is very brief, taking only a few minutes to complete. It is available in both English and Spanish.

The survey is a means of collecting from parents demographic information such as the age and ethnicity of their child. Parents are asked to indicate the school division where their child is enrolled and their child's primary educational disability or exceptionality. The survey further asks for information about the parent's involvement in the IEP process and knowledge of available options, in the event that an agreement is not reached regarding the IEP. It asks parents to indicate whether their child's school division has provided them with information on the local special education advisory committee and about local community resources, supports, services, trainings and activities.

The online survey can be completed any time up until June 30, 2014. Copies of the survey in paper form will also be available shortly, along with accompanying postage pre-paid envelopes, for those parents who prefer them to the online format. The paper surveys will be available at the Anne R. Lipnick Family Resource Center, Room 134, T.C. Williams High School Minnie Howard Campus, 3801 W. Braddock Road, Alexandria.

Questions about the survey should be directed to Alexandria City Public Schools Parent Support Specialist Janet Reese at 703-824-0129.