Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Understanding the Teenage Brain' a talk by Dr. Ron Clavier

'Understanding the Teenage Brain' a talk by Dr. Ron Clavier, Neuroscientist and Author of 'Teen Brain, Teen Mind'

Thursday, January 31, 2013, 7:00 pm
The British School of Washington, 2001 Wisconsin Ave NW,Washington, DC

“Let’s get something straight… You want to protect your kids and help them, but you don’t understand them. What goes on in their brains is beyond you…”

On January 31st, BSW will welcome Neuroscientist and Author of Teen Brain Teen Mind, Dr. Ron Clavier, for the first in an exciting program of expert speakers.

Dr. Clavier’s insightful and illuminating lecture, Understanding the Teenage Brain, demonstrates that an understanding of the teenage brain is the key to unlocking the mysteries of why teens think and act the way they do. His own deep understanding of human brain development allows him to show how neurological changes in a young person’s developing brain underlie many behaviors and emotions.

Illustrating his ideas with examples and observations, he provides coping tips and strategies for young people and their families, easing tensions and improving communications to make the adolescent years healthier and more productive.

Dr. Clavier is skilled in making connections between science and society, and making scientific concepts easy to understand. An experienced and dynamic speaker, he is honest, funny and down-to-earth. His talks have been enjoyed by teenagers, parents and educators all over the world.

Dr. Clavier’s work is informed by a background in neuroscience, biochemical psychiatry and clinical psychology. From Montreal, he achieved his Doctorate in Experimental and Physiological Psychology before completing Postdoctoral training in Biochemical Psychiatry. He taught anatomy and psychology in medical schools before opening his own clinical psychology practice. He also consults in the corporate, law enforcement, community, health and education sectors, advising those who work with young people. Through his television series Adolescence: The Stormy Decade(2001-2007) and his writing, he helps teenagers, their families and those working with teens.
“One of the most upbeat, entertaining and yet intensely human presentations I’ve ever attended...”

To reserve a seat or for more information, call 202.829.3700 or email

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