Wednesday, December 17, 2014

News from the Alexandria Parent Resource Center

Two new monthly parent support groups are being offered through ACPS starting in early January.

The first group, for parents of preschool students receiving special education services, is scheduled for Tuesday, January 6.  It will meet from 9:30-10:45 in the Parent Resource Center, Room 134, Minnie Howard School, 3801 W. Braddock Road.

The second group is for parents of students in the City-wide Autism classes.  The first day for this group is Wednesday, January 14.  It will also meet at the Parent Resource Center in Room 134 of Minnie Howard.

Interpreter service is available with advanced notice.

Social Groups for Children, Teens and Young Adults

The JCC, 8900 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax, VA 22031,  offers a number of social groups:

1. The JCC Clubhouse is a social club for children in grades 4-6 with and without special needs. J Club is designed to provide fun, social opportunities in a structured, supportive environment for young children.  Trained staff assist children in navigating through challenging social interactions and engaging in meaningful relationships.  Contact Arlene Lechner for more information. or (703) 537-3032.

2. Going Places! are monthly social groups for teens, young adults and adults with Asperger's Syndrome.  Groups are divided into ages 14-17, 18-26 and 27 and up. Contact Melissa or (703) 537-3040 for more information.

Social Skills Classes-The Jewish Community Center offers social skills classes for kids in the following age groups (6-8), Let's Play, (9-12), Friends, and (9-12) Gal Pals. All classes run from January 4-March 8.  Contact Arlene Lechner at (703) 537-3032 for more information.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Alexandria Council of Human Services Organizations Needs Assessment

The Alexandria Council of Human Services Organizations (ACHSO) is updating its 2008 Alexandria Needs Assessment.  The assessment describes the human services needs and resources in the City’s communities to provide information about issues affecting residents and recommendations for how public and private sector organizations can better address those issues. This assessment will incorporate work done in other planning and study processes, and build on them by assessing emerging needs.
Please complete the survey to provide information about issues affecting Alexandria residents.
1 – Anyone who lives and/or works in Alexandria, VA should complete the survey.
2 – Each person may only complete the survey once, but please feel free to forward the survey link to anyone else who should complete the survey.
3 – The web address for the survey is:
4 - If you would like to look through the entire survey before starting, click HERE for a pdf version.
5 - Please read the survey instructions before beginning, as it provides important information about how to navigate the sections of the survey.
6 – The survey asks questions about nine issue areas - Early Childhood Development & Education; Housing & Homelessness; Employment, Workforce & Economic Development; Senior Services; Immigrant Services; Youth & Young Adult; Physical & Developmental Disabilities; Emergency Assistance; and Health – Physical, Behavioral, Oral & Food.
7 – The survey does not require answers in all nine sections; you may answer questions only in areas where you have experience and/or interest.
8 – Please contact Darminique Rodgers at if you have any problems completing the survey.

Friday, October 31, 2014

It's Halloween

It's Halloween. Tonight a lot of creatures will visit your door. Be open minded. The child who is grabbing more than one piece of candy might have poor fine motor skills. The child who takes forever to pick out one piece of candy might have motor planning issues. The child who does not say trick or treat or thank you might be shy or non-verbal. The child who looks disappointed when he sees your bowl might have an allergy. The child who isn't wearing a costume at all might have SPD or autism. Be nice. Be patient. It's everyone's Halloween. Make a parent feel good by making a big deal of their special child.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Halloween Questions

Tricky Halloween Questions....for your little ones

Which is the biggest - a pumpkin, a scarecrow or a spider?

Which is NOT black - a cat, a ghost, or a spider?

Which one does NOT fly - a bat, a pumpkin or a witch?

Tell me three types of candy you get on Halloween.

What are three things you take Trick-or-treating?

Name three things that are orange.

Name three things that are black.

If you were dressing up as a princess, what three things would you wear?
a pirate?

What at two noises you might hear on Halloween?

What are two things that scare you?

What does a ghost say?
a witch? a monster?

Name three things you would see in a haunted house.

What does it mean to carve a pumpkin?

What is the difference between a pumpkin and a jack-o-lantern?

What sound does the word Halloween start with?

Monday, October 20, 2014

Halloween Math

Here is some fun with Math for Halloween ---

-Estimate the number of vertical lines on your pumpkin
-Estimate how big your pumpkin is.
cut a piece of string as you child thinks the pumpkin is. Try it again until you get it right.
-Estimate the weight of your pumpkin
-Estimate the number of seeds your pumpkin has.  Try grouping the seeds into groups of tens.
-Estimate how many pieces were collected.  Then count them.

-Sort and classify the treats: candy bars, lollipops, gum..
then sort by chocolate, peanut butter
or sort by colors of wrappers

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Halloween activities to boost and enhance your child's development

Halloween fun and activities to boost/enhance your child's development:

Work on auditory processing and following directions:

Fill a plastic pumpkin bucket with small trinkets (plastic spiders, miniature pumpkins, small koosh balls, halloween erasers). Give simple directions such as "get the spider, then the pumpkin" and have your child follow the directions.  Make the tasks more difficult by adding more steps.
To work on fine motor skills have your child remove the items with tongs, or tweezers.

Work on auditory memory:

Make a pretend witches brew.  Take turns saying one thing you would add to the brew.  As the list gets longer, see if you child can still remember all the ingredients.

Compare different candies by finding similarities and differences.  Make piles with the candy and count them.

Try some sensory activities like hiding gummy spiders or worms in jello.  Fill a plastic pumpkin bucket with flour or beans, hide small toys in it and have your child find them.

Try working with recall and sequencing by reading "The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything".

Thursday, October 2, 2014

A recent thank you note from a parent

"I used a lot of your advice when I met with the school and it was incredibly helpful. I feel like I was finally able to get the school to see my child's anxiety issues as a mental health problem that they had to accommodate and not a discipline problem. Together with the school, we made some changes to the morning routine, which seem to be helping a great deal.

Thanks again for coming to my rescue. Your advice helped me through a very difficult time. I feel much better educated now and more confident about how to talk with the school." 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Open houses at schools for children who learn differently

Open Houses


Schools for children who learn differently



The Auburn School 

Multiple campuses

Grades k-12 at various locations

Please check website for specific dates and times for the location nearest you. 



The Chelsea School 

2970 Belcrest Center Drive

Hyattsville, MD 20782

Grades K-12

October 29, 9 am

January 29, 9 am

March 3, 9am

April 16, 9am



Commonwealth Academy

1321 Leslie Avenue, Alexandria, VA

Grades 3-12 

Please call for specific dates and times. 



The Diener School 

11510 Falls Rd., Potomac, MD 20854

Grades K-6 

Tuesdays & Thursdays at 9:30 am



Edmund Burke School 

4101 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington DC

Grades 6-12

October 18, 1-4 pm

December 13, 1-4 pm



G.W. Community School

9001 Braddock Rd., Springfield, VA 22151

Grades 9-12

Please contact the school for specific dates and times. 



Howard Gardner School

4913 Franconia Rd., Alexandria, VA 22310

Grades 6-12 

October 8, 9:15 am



Ivymount School 

1614 Seven Locks Road, Rockville, MD

For ages 6-21

Please call for specific dates and times. 



Katherine Thomas School 

9975 Medical Center Drive, Rockville, MD

Grades pre-K - 12

Please contact the school for specific dates and times.  


Kingsbury Center

500 14th St., NW, Washington, DC 20011

Grades preK-12

November 13, 9 am

December 11, 9 am



The Lab School of Washington

4759 Reservoir Rd. NW, Washington, DC

Grades 1-12 

Open house dates vary depending on elementary, middle or high school.  

Please check the website for more information. 



The McLean School

8224 Lochinver Lane, Potomac, MD

Grades k-12

October 22, 9am

November 15, 9am

December 10, 9am

January 10, 9am



The New School of Northern Virginia 

9431 Silver King Ct., Fairfax, VA

Grades 4-12 

October 5, 2 pm

October 26, 2 pm

January 11, 2 pm

January 25, 2 pm

March 1, 2 pm

May 3, 2 pm



Oakwood School 

7210 Braddock Rd., Annandale, VA 22003

Grades K – 8 

October 30, 9:30 am

November 19, 9:30 am

December 4, 9:30 am

January 15, 9:30 am

February 4, 9:30 am

March 4, 9:30 am



Sienna School 

1300 Forest Glen Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20901

Grades 4-12

Please contact the school for specific dates and times. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Homework Tips - Crisis Averted

Homework crisis and how to handle or resolve the situation


Bad Mood -- Eat a snack, do a bit of yoga or stretching, rip up some paper, listen to music


Spills -- Clean it up quickly. Let it dry. Make a copy. Put a sticky on it with an apology


Distractions-- Have a special study area with all your supplies. 

Be aware so you can double check your work while you were distracted


Lost directions/lost materials -- Call a classmate and get the information. You can substitute a piece of paper for a missing worksheet or index card.


Forgotten or lost homework -- Double check your assignment book. Go on line and check Blackboard or Edline.  (Whichever on-line system your school uses). Call a classmate; do what you can; make your best effort; write a note to the teacher


Confusion about directions -- Double check your assignment book or go on line. Call a classmate who usually has the homework correctly.


Long-term project -- Chunk the parts of the project on a calendar. Check the calendar daily so you can stay on schedule. Use weekends if you need to so you can catch up.



Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Homework Hints - Proofreading COPS


When you proofread your writing, call out the COPS


C = Capitalization. Have you used capital letters for the first word in each sentence? Have you used capital letters for names and other proper nouns?


O = Organization. Does each paragraph have the right time sequence or steps in order?

Overall appearance. Is your work neat? Do you have the heading in the correct



P = Punctuation. Does each sentence have correct punctuation marks at the end? (.,?!).

Have you used apostrophes and commas correctly


S = Sentences. Did you use complete sentences? Did you use variety in the first words

of the sentences?


Are you proud of your work?

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Homework Tips part 3


Simple Homework Strategies


Plan study time


•  look ahead and see what needs to be accomplished in the next day, week, month. 

•  be realistic when estimating the time it will take to complete an assignment or project. 





•  write our a to do list each day

•  the list should include homework, activities, chores and plans with friends





•  make sure backpacks are packed with the right books, notebooks and supplies

•  pack up the night before and unpack as soon as your child comes home from school. 

•  use one binder for each subject

•  each binder should have 2 sections: one for work to be completed and one for completed work. 





•  make sure your child's homework workspace has good lighting, is clutter free, and has a comfortable chair. 

•  There should be little or no noise. 

•  Avoid distractions like music, tv, cell phones, and games. 

•  make sure supplies are close by - keep pencils, paper, highlighters at hand. 


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Homework Tips/Ideas/Suggestions - Part 2


Tips to Stop Rushing Through Homework


-- Discuss expectations BEFORE homework begins. Identify the homework that your child normally rushes through. For each assignment, jot down 2-3 requirements on a post-it note and place on the desk or table next to your child. For example, on a writing assignment, you may list, "proper heading, legible writing, and complete sentences." By being proactive, instead of reactive, you can stop rushing before it happens.


-- Set up Daily Homework Time (DHT). DHT is a specific time each day that's dedicated to homework, whether your child says he has it or not. Your child will spend a minimum amount of time on academically related tasks daily. For example, if the spelling homework is completed quickly, but 40 minutes are still left in DHT, your child could study for a test, work on a long-term project, organize her notebook, or read. If your child knows he has DHT for an hour, he may be less likely to try to rush through an assignment. How long should DHT be?


Here's a guide:

Grade 1: 10 minutes

Grade 2: 20 minutes

Grade 3: 30 minutes

Grade 4: 40 minutes

Grades 5 and 6: 45 minutes

Grades 7-12: 1 hour (as a minimum)


-- Use praise the right way. Recognize good effort whenever possible! Rewards and praise will result in positive changes faster than punitive words or punishment. When providing feedback, be sure to offer a positive statement first. Follow with specific, constructive criticism and finish off with another positive comment.

For example, 'You rushed through this writing assignment!'becomes, 'I like the way you wrote your heading so neatly. I do see that your paragraphs need more descriptive details, but overall your essay looks close to being done."


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Homework Tips/Ideas/Suggestions - Part 1

Here are some homework tips that I have learned over the years with my boys, who both have learning differences.  I hope they help you and your child. 


--Make homework time as close to the same time every day – make it the routine. i.e. Snack, homework; tv or video games, homework, dinner, reading


--Make sure that the area that your child is doing homework is free of distractions – No TV, NO music. (The kitchen table isn’t the best if you’re cooking or working there too).


--Create a homework “nook” using a Science project tri fold board (if it’s too high, cut it in half)

Use the board as walls to block out distractions and to the inside add information and tools that your child will need/use - list of ABC’s to help with alphabetical order, multiplication table, clock, etc.

If you still need to block out noise and distractions, put a roof on top.


--Make sure you have lots of supplies and keep them close by – pens, pencils, highlighters, and calculator; this will cut down on getting up and down or creating an excuse for getting up and down.


--If the work seems too much – break it out into smaller tasks i.e. answer just the first few math problems. If that doesn’t work, try doing every other problem.


--Take breaks! Work for 10 minutes take a break, work for 10 more minutes.


--If you child wiggles, you can get a wiggle seat or have them sit on an large exercise ball pulled up to the desk or table.


--Try to involve your child in deciding how to break up the homework or in which order to do it – math first, reading 2nd, or hardest subject first or easiest subject 1st, or big project then shorter tasks. 


--Read, read, read.  Read every day or night at the same time and if possible the same place – big comfy chair, in bed, at a desk.


--If the book is too long or has “too many words”, take turns - have your child read a page or paragraph and you read a page or paragraph.


--If you can, get a book on tape or CD and read along with the cd


--Ask questions at the end of every few pages or chapter so you know your child understands what is being read.


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Getting Ready for School: What You Can do as a Parent

Here are some things that you as a parent can do for your child so they are successful in school.

Encourage Reading:

  • read to your child every day
  • have your child draw a picture of his favorite part of the story
  • ask your child to retell the story
  • ask questions about a favorite character, favorite part, or what will happen next
  • play rhyming games with the words in a story

Math -  make it a part of everyday:

  • use objects to count, sort and estimate
  • have your child help when you cook
  • practice finding things shaped like circles, triangles, squares, etc. 
  • estimate and then count things, how many steps to the car, to the bus stop, or how long it will take to drive somewhere. 
  • have your child to pay for things at the store
Language Development: 

  • talk to your child about the tasks that you do everyday
  • use descriptive words - more, less, hot, cold, wet, dry and so on
  • use words like behind, in front of, next to, above, below, etc. 
  • talk about how things feel, taste, smell, look
  • categorize things - pastas, cereal, toy cars, trains, blocks, etc. 
  • use accurate words, not baby talk or made up words. 

Health and Development: 

  • make sure your child gets enough sleep
  • make sure your child eats nutritious snacks
  • provide opportunities for physical activity everyday

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Preparing for Preschool & Kindergarten

For Preschool, Kindergarten  ~~
*Label everything - jackets, coats, sweaters, sweatshirt, lunchbox, sippy cup/water bottle, etc…
* remember to put your child in an outfit that is easy to get in and out of/pull up and down – both for the teacher (if your child is not potty trained) and for your child. (so your child doesn’t have any accidents at school because they couldn’t get their clothes off fast enough)
So, no belts, snaps, buttons on pants – just elastic waists on pants.
For girls leggings are great. 
* No backpacks or bags unless the teacher requires it. The only thing your child will usually need is a lunchbox/snack bag. 
*Use lunch boxes that are like bags and have a Velcro top or are easy to zip open and closed. Remember your child will be opening it themselves!
     You can always tuck a note or picture into your child’s lunchbox 
*Don’t send items in their lunchbox that your child can’t open themselves i.e. juice boxes, yogurt etc.. 
*Nutritious snacks/lunches please! And pay attention to your schools policy for snacks and lunches – i.e. NO peanut products
*Dress your child appropriately for school – keep in mind they’ll go outside everyday and they’ll do messy art projects. Don’t dress them in an outfit that if it gets dirty or messy, will upset them or you. 
Children go outside everyday unless it is below freezing, snowing, raining or has rained/snowed significantly over night and there is just too much water and mud on the playground, so dress them appropriately for the weather every day – hats, coats, jackets, etc.. And in clothes that you won’t mind getting paint on etc..
*No sandals or open toed shoes without socks – the mulch and pebbles from playgrounds get in and bothers the little toesies.
*When you drop your child off in the morning, the best things is STOP, DROP and ROLL. Quickly drop them off and scoot out of sight. Do not go into the classroom/playground to get them settled or engaged in something, and then try to sneak out. That usually makes it worse, once they look up and can’t find mommy or daddy. 
The teacher will get your child engaged and involved, that is her job! 
The teacher or another staff member will let you know if there is a problem and your child is not settling in. 
Remember it will take some time, for everyone.
*Do not pick your child before the designated class/school ending time. When one child sees a parent, they all start wanting their parents. And make sure you are there promptly at the closing time – don’t be late! Again, when one parent shows up it sets them all off and if you’re the last one to pick up, your child will most likely be very unhappy. 
*If you need to pick up your child early, please let the staff/teacher know in the morning. That way they will make sure that he/she is ready and that there is minimal disruption to the class.
*If someone else is picking up your child, let the teacher know in the morning. Children do get upset if their routine is changed. 
*If there are any changes in your home life (new caregiver, move, new pet, parent traveling, visiting relatives, etc), please let the teacher know. It does effect your child’s day. 
*Make sure to check your child’s lunchbox (or backpack) every day for any notes about your child’s day, school announcements, upcoming events, newsletters, and any other school related information. 

Some Books to read with your child:
The Kissing Hand
Ms. Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten
Froggy Goes to School
Miss Malarkey Doesn’t Live in Room 10
The Night Before Kindergarten
When I was Five
When I was Little
Leo the Late Bloomer

Monday, August 18, 2014

Getting Ready for School

These are just some tips to help get you and your child ready for school, whether it’s preschool, elementary or middle school.
Going to school is a big step and a change for everyone, even mom and dad. 
One of the best ways to prepare your child for school is to be prepared yourself. Your child will look to you, if you are confident, they will be too. 
- the school calendar – holidays, special events, etc..
-the school/class hours
-your child’s class schedule – post it on the refrigerator for everyone to see
-the drop off and pick up process, bus schedule, and/or car pool schedule
-the schools playground, before school and after school rules
-how to reach the school by phone and e mail
-the schools lunch room rules and policies – no peanut products?
-the schools electronics policy – ipods, cell phones, gameboys
-how the school communicates emergency announcements
-how the school communicates other information – newsletters, e mails,
flyers in backpacks, etc..
-how best to communicate with your child’s teacher – e mail or phone
-what the school dress code is
Make sure you have all the school supplies, Kleenex, etc. before school starts! And don’t send all your child’s school supplies in with him/her on the first day. Try to drop them off at school before school starts. This way your child isn’t trying to carry everything and do everything on their first trip to school. 

If possible, make a visit to the school and the classroom.  You can drop off the supplies and familiarize your child with where the bathroom is located, where the lunch room is, how to get to the library etc.. 

Get involved – volunteer as a room parent, join the PTA/Parent Association, just get involved! It really does make a difference. Your child will see you at school and see you enjoying being a part of their world. The teachers will appreciate you and your time. And believe it or not, it does have an impact on how and how often the teacher interacts with your child.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Changes to SOL & VGLA for 2014-2015 School Year


 Status of the Virginia Grade Level Alternative Assessments for Students with Disabilities in 2014-2015 and 2015-2016

The purpose of this memorandum is to inform school division staff of changes to the Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA) Assessments in 2014-2015 and in 2015-2016.  The 2014 Virginia General Assembly eliminated the Standards of Learning (SOL) tests in Grade 3 Science, Grade 3 History & Social Science, Grade 5 Writing, United States History to 1865 and United States History: 1865 to Present beginning in the 2014-2015 school year.  Based on the elimination of these SOL tests, the corresponding VGLA Assessments in these content areas also will no longer be available to students with disabilities beginning in 2014-2015.  For the 2014-2015 school year, only the following VGLA Assessments for eligible students with disabilities will be available:
  • Grade 5 Science
  • Grade 8 Science
  • Grade 8 Writing
  • Virginia Studies
  • Civics & Economics.
Due to the number of VGLA Assessments and the significant decrease in the statewide participation in the VGLA, beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, the VGLA Assessments will be eliminated as an assessment option for students with disabilities in all content areas.  Please note, however, that while VGLA Assessments are being eliminated for students with disabilities beginning in 2015-2016; at this time, the VGLA reading tests will continue to be available for eligible students with limited English proficiency.

If you have questions, please contact the assessment staff at or (804) 225-2102

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Getting Packed for College


Here are some of the suggestions/ideas for college packing

big zip lock bags for packing. Use for clothes, bedding, towels, etc. (so much better than a trunk and when you are at school they can get folded up and put in the bottom of a drawer)
-duffle bag instead of suite case for the trips to/fr school.
bed risers - put under the legs of the bed to raise it up for more storage underneath
mattress bag - put around the mattress for bed bugs, etc..  
small fan. Helps even if you have ac but also good for white noise to block out dorm noise
small lamp or desk lamp - the dorm light is usually pretty bad.
power strip and extension cords - lots of them!
tacky stuff to hang pictures/posters etc.
bulletin board – only if there is enough wall room
hangers - bring lots!  (don't transport clothes on hangers).
flip flops for the shower/bathroom
shower caddy/bucket. The smaller the better but hard to find.     (Try the container store)
laundry bag (not a basket - unless lots of room in the dorm room- it takes up a lot of room).

Label everything!  Get fabric markers and label every towel, pillowcase,article of clothing.
Use colored duct tape to mark power cords, electronics, other items.

Bedding -
2 sets of sheets
2 pillows
Throw pillow
Towels - 2-3 big ones
Small hand towels 2
Wash clothes - only if you use them
Beach towel

Toiletries - take 2 of everything just in case something gets lost or you run out.
(2 deodorants, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, etc..can keep this stuff in a Rubbermaid container under the bed.
Also, write name on all this stuff with a sharpie. Amazing what you leave in the bathroom or that someone just helps themselves too.

Take varying sizes of rubbermaid containers to keep food/snacks in. (keep bugs/mice away), store stuff, etc..

Plastic cups - so you can always have something to drink, put stuff in etc..

You don't have to take all the clothes now. Take only what you will need at first. Then stuff can be shipped or swapped out over breaks.

Make sure you have pictures of the family and friends.  Print out some picsand put in frames. Create small photo albums to keep around. (everyonekeeps pics in their phones but it's nice to actually have pics in frames around the room)

Care packages -----
-Make sure one will arrive right after school starts,  Day 2 or 3.
send snacks etc..  Don't send stuff
-if you send laundry detergent, etc. put fun stuff in too - nail polish, food, magazine, etc..
Send packages of stuff that are needed fr amazon
Always send enough to share.
Get an Amazon Prime Account – so worth the free shipping!

Find out about laundry - does it use a prepaid card? If so, great to get a few cards already full of $.
Take detergent that is pre measured - tide podspurex sheets, etc..  

Bank account - figure out what/how it works at School.
Does she need a checking acct. debit card etc

Computer/cell phone etc..
Most schools have help in setting this stuff up once you get there.
Just make sure thwifi stuff is set up and not running off data plan all the time.
Make sure laptop has name on it. Keep track of serial #.
Make sure cords, chargers, etc have identifying stuff. (see duct tape above).

Packing List ---

air freshener - any type of freshener - probably not plug in since
     outlets are scarce
bed risers
book light
boots - hiking and/or rain
cell phone and charger
clock/clock radio/home for the cell phone (docking station)
Clorox wipes
coat - sport coat
computer case
crates - storage
cups - plastic
desk lamp
dryer sheets
duct tape
extension cords/surge protectors - at least 2-3
fan - even if there is ac, good for white noise
flash light
flip flops (shower shoes!)
hangers/slacks hangers
hooks - over the door bathroom, room, etc..
laundry bag
mattress pad
mattress bag - allergy/bed bug
poster mounting/sticky stuff
post its
rubbermaid storage containers - under bed, food, etc.
shower caddy
towels - hand and bath
trash can

for suite living ---
cleaning supplies:
toilet paper 
 toilet brush
 lysol wipes  
 trash can(s)
trash bags 
 broom and/or dustpan w/ brush

bathroom stuff:
 plastic drawers for keeping stuff in the bathroom
 over the shower head shower caddy
 bath mat
 over the door hangers
 toothbrush holder
 hand soap