Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Nominations Sought for 29th Annual Harry Burke Award

ACPS is seeking nominations for the 29th Annual Harry Burke Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Special Education and the Anne Lipnick Inclusion for All Award. Harry Burke awards will be given to one preschool or elementary special education teacher, one middle or high school special education teacher, one elementary paraprofessional and one middle or high school paraprofessional. The winners will have demonstrated exceptional special education teaching skills and stand out among their peers. The Anne Lipnick Inclusion for All Award will be awarded to one elementary general education teacher and one middle or high school general education teacher. The winners are those who make superior efforts to ensure inclusive practices in all education environments.  Nominations can be made online. The deadline for nominations is April 10.

Monday, March 23, 2015

April Community Events



Mon., April 6, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

The Arc of Greater Prince William and the Prince William County Schools present a Sibsshop for siblings of children with disabilities, aged 8-11.  

13505 Hillendale Drive, Woodbridge, VA 22193

Cost is $5 per child with a limit of $10 per family.  

Registration is required.  

For more information or to register, contact the PWCS PRC at (703) 791-8846.



Preschool Special Education Support Group Meeting

Tuesday, April 7, 9:30am

This event repeats on the first Tuesday of the month through June. 

Alexandria Parent Resource Center, Room 134, T.C. Williams Minnie Howard Campus, 3801 W. Braddock Road, Alexandria, VA 

The monthly support group for parents of preschoolers receiving special education services 


For more information, contact Janet Reese, Parent Support Specialist, at 703-824-0129 or janet.reese@acps.k12.va.us.



Youth Voice Alexandria Meeting

Tuesday, April 7, 3:30pm – 5:00 pm

This event repeats every other Tuesday until June 

Room A104, T.C. Williams High School, King St., Alexandria, VA

Youth Voice Alexandria is the City’s leadership and advocacy group for youth/young adults ages 14-24 who wish to improve the mental health, child welfare, juvenile justice and education systems. Our main focus is to offer an outlet for these youth/young adults to express their concerns of being system involved and begin advocating and creating awareness on how us, as service providers, can ensure the system is doing everything it can to foster personal and professional success.


Jeremy Long

Youth Voice Coordinator

City of Alexandria, Virginia

Department of Community & Human Services

Center for Children and Families

Office: 703.746.3142

Cell:    703.470.0506


Find us on Facebook: www.Facebook.com/YouthVoiceAlexandria

Find us on Twitter: www.Twitter.com/YouthVoiceAlex




The Caregiver's Toolbox: Practical Tips for Dealing with Caregiver Stress, Avoiding Burnout and Finding the Best Resources

April 8, 10:00 a.m.

Formed Families Forward, 4031 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030

Support and discussion groups for parents, grandparents, relatives and other caregivers.




Roadmap for Transition Planning & a Discussion of Postsecondary Options

April 8, 7pm

The Treatment and Learning Centers - Rockville, MD 2092 Gaither Road Suite 100 Rockville, MD 20850

Presented by M&L Special Needs Planning 


The workshop is an overview for families to understand the concept of what transitioning planning is, the importance of the transitioning timeline, what all the acronyms mean, and examples of post-secondary options. 


With an emphasis of being a Maryland, Virginia or a Washington DC resident, there will be an overview of the transitioning process and how to navigate this time in the life of your young adult with disabilities.


In addition, there will be a detailed discussion of what DDA, DORS, RSA and DRS is and how these Maryland, Washington DC and Virginia organizations help the individual with disabilities with employment (DORS, RSA & DRS) and adult services (DDA) as a transitioning youth and beyond.


We will have resources and have a discussion of ideas to possible post secondary options, if any, in Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC and in the country. 


All of M&L Special Needs Planning workshops share important information and facts. This particular workshop pays attention to the details of when, how, what, why and how to seek information on transitioning planning and life after.


Please register below. There is a $15.00 registration fee. M&L Special Needs Planning reserves the right to cancel the workshop for insufficient enrollment. 






APS Presents: Becoming an Active Member of Your Child's IEP Team

April 9, 9:30am to Noon

Syphax Education Center at Sequoia Plaza, 2110 Washington Boulevard, Arlington, VA  22204

Parents of students receiving special education services are encouraged to attend this helpful workshop to:

·      Gain a deeper of understanding of the IEP process, including standards-based IEPs;

·      Understand components of the IEP, including Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance, measurable annual goals, assessment options, service delivery models, and accommodations for students with disabilities;

·      Learn how to prepare for IEP meetings; and

·      evelop effective collaboration skills to work with your school-based team members.

Registration is requested.  Please register online.




Mind in the Making - Taking on Challenges

Friday, April 10, 2015 
10:00 am – noon

The FCPS Parent Resource Center, 2334 Gallows Road, Entrance 1 - Room 100, Dunn Loring, Virginia 22027


Learn the research behind why taking on challenges is one of the Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs. 

Learn strategies for improving this skill, the importance of it in children’s lives, and activities to promote the skill. This evidencebased skill involves Executive Functions of the Brain for ages 0 – 8.





2015 Behavioral Strategies Conference

April 11, 8:30am – 4:30pm

Westin Washington Dulles Airport 

2520 Wasser Terrace Herndon, VA 20171


When envisioning a bright future for your family member with a disability you may include such things as good friends, a full educational life, meaningful employment, independent living, and community involvement. However, challenging behaviors and lack of appropriate skills to manage them may interfere with realizing this future.


Come and learn practical strategies for meeting the behavioral concerns you may have for your family member with a disability.


Simultaneous interpretation from English to Spanish for conference sessions will be available along with a concurrent session delivered in Spanish. 

Free parking for conference attendees

Raffle prize

Registration fee $90.


Topics that will be covered:


·      Are you unknowingly reinforcing bad behavior?

·      Intellectual and developmental disabilities and sexual behavior. What you need to know and how to talk about it.

·      Toilet training strategies

·      Understanding the learning profile of individuals with Down syndrome and its implications on behavior.

·      Social behavior - Young adults and social independence, what's a Parent to Do?

·      And much more!


Tamala P. Scott 

Down Syndrome Association of Northern VA






Spring Forward

April 11, 2015 9:30 am – 3pm

James Lee Community Center in Falls Church


Join Formed Families Forward and FACES of Virginia Families for our 2nd annual SPRING FORWARD 


Bring the entire family for a great day of kids' activities, youth workshops and sessions for parents and caregivers. Lunch will be served and the day wraps up with a great fun fair for children of all ages.  Check out our line-up and register today! 





ADHD Parent Support Network

Tuesday, April 14, 2015:  7:00pm to 8:30pm

Syphax Education Center, 2110 Washington Boulevard, Rooms 103/105, Arlington, VA  22204

Registration is requested.  Register online. 




ACPS Parent Resource Center Presents: Building Independence in Children with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism

April 15, 7pm – 9pm

T.C. Williams High School, Minnie Howard campus, 3801 W Braddock Rd., Alexandria, VA

This workshop will provide parents of children with an intellectual disability or autism practical tools and strategies to help their child gain independence in personal care, functional living skills and personal safety.

Presented by: Janet Reese, ACPS Parent Support Specialist

Capacity: 40 participants

NOTE: Registration closes on April 8. Be sure to register prior to this date.


Workshop Registration: Please contact Janet Reese Parent Support Specialist 703-824-0129 janet.reese@acps.k12.va.us



APS Autism Spectrum Disorders:  Parent Education Series

April 15, 2015:  7pm to 8pm

Topic:  I'm Determined 

Syphax Education Center at Sequoia Plaza

2110 Washington Boulevard, Arlington, VA  22204

Registration http://www.apsva.us/Page/2883



Flash Forward! Post-Secondary Education & Employment Options

Wednesday, April 15, 2015 
7-9 pm

Woodson High School, Entrance 1 - Cafeteria A, 9525 Main Street, Fairfax, Virginia


This important event is for students with IEPs and their parents! Explore options for life after high school. Visit information tables, attend an overview of post-secondary options, and choose a workshop that is best for you!

    Supported Employment - for students who will require ongoing supports after graduation

    Competitive Employment - for graduates with disabilities that will not require ongoing supports

    Post-Secondary Education - for students planning to continue their education at a 2 or 4 year college 

    or specialized training program

    Register online now!



Dyslexia Workshop for Parents

Wednesday, April 20, 2015

Morning Session:  10:00am to 11:30am

Evening Session:  7:00pm to 8:30pm

Syphax Education Center at Sequoia Plaza, 2110 Washington Boulevard, Room 103, Arlington, VA  22204

The Parent Resource Center cordially invites you to attend this free session for parents, presented by Special Education Coordinators Meg Davis and Christina Cotton, who will:

·      Define dyslexia, and identify characteristics of dyslexia

·      Describe various reading methods and programs, as well as assistive technology tools 

·      Discuss how parents can seek support for their children at school

·      Review the Intervention Assistance Team (IAT), Section 504, and Special Education processes in Arlington Public Schools, and

·      Provide parents with tips and strategies for working with their children at home.  

 Registration is required to ensure adequate space and materials.  Register online.




The Lab School Speaker Series: Neuroscience and Education: A Promising Partnership for Success

Wed, April 22, 7:30pm – 9:00pm

The Lab School of Washington, 4759 Reservoir Road, NW Washington, DC 20007


Guinevere Eden, PhD

Director, Center for the Study of Learning (CSL)

Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics and Department of Neuroscience Georgetown University


Neuroscience provides insights into the brain- based mechanisms that serve critical skills including reading and arithmetic. Dr. Eden will review the recent advances in brain imaging studies of reading, dyslexia, the neural basis of successful tutoring of dyslexic students, as well as the potential role of brain measures in deter- mining the success of reading outcome.

The presentation will reveal how partnerships between neuroscience and education can advance our understanding of dyslexia and our goals of providing better support for struggling readers.



A Will is not Enough “Legal Planning for Your Child’s Future"

April 23, 6:30pm

Loudoun County Public Schools Administrative Building 21000 Education Court Ashburn, VA 20148


For families of students who will need ongoing or intensive support upon graduation. Presented by Kelly Thompson, Attorney at Law


Transitioning from school to adult services is a time that many families look at a number of issues:

Should you become Guardian for your child or will a Power of Attorney cover any issues?

Does your child have assets that need to be put in a special needs trust in order to qualify for SSI and Medicaid?

Do you need to draft or change a will and establish a special needs trust to provide management of assets and preserve eligibility for your child’s government benefits?

Who should you choose to make personal, health care and financial decisions for your child?


Registration is requested. Call 571-252-2185 or go to www.lcps.org/prc


If, due to a disability, you need assistance to enable you to participate meaningfully in a workshop or need an interpreter, please contact the Parent Resource Center at 571-252-2185 at least FIVE business days prior to the event.



FCPS Autism Awareness Day 2015

Friday, April 24, 2015 
10 am - 2 pm


The FCPS Parent Resource Center, Entrance 1 - Room 100 & Room 105, 2334 Gallows Road, Dunn Loring, Virginia 22027


    Morning workshop:  Next Stop with author Glen Finland

    Refreshments, door prizes, resources & more!

    Afternoon workshop: Anxiety in Students with Autism Disorders with Dr. Sajjad Khan

Download the SAVE THE DATE flyer






Autism & Safety - Public Safety Considerations

Thursday, April 30, 10:00 a.m. – noon

The FCPS Parent Resource Center

2334 Gallows Road, Entrance 1 - Room 100

Dunn Loring, Virginia 22027


Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other cognitive disabilities may not recognize danger, react well in an emergency or be able to seek help.


Join us for this workshop to learn:


·       Safety risks for individuals with special needs

Proactive steps to reduce the risk of potential dangers

Resources available in the community for emergency preparedness

·      Safety guidelines

·      FREE safety kits & more!








ReelAbilities Greater DC Disabilities Film Festival

Thu, April 30, 7pm – 9pm

The PHILLIPS Programs 7010 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA, 22003

"It's All About Friends" a film by Lena Koppel Swedish/ 91 min

The Arc of Northern Virginia is proud to be a Screening Partner for "It's All About Friends."






SAVE the Date:  Annual Mental Health Fair/Workshop

Monday, May 11, 2015:  6:30pm to 8:30pm

Arlington Public Schools Education Center, 1426 N. Quincy Street, 1st Floor, Arlington, VA  22207

Doors open at 6:30pm for Information Mini-Fair

7:00pm: Interpreting Your Child and Teen's Moods:  What to Expect, and When to Seek Help

Featured Guest Presenter:  Dr. Justine Larson

Simultaneous Spanish language interpretation will be available. 

Pre-register online.


















Youth and Young Adults: Stronger Together 

Alternate Thursdays at 6:30 - 8:00 pm  in Fairfax.

Sponsored by Formed Families Forward, this peer-to-peer support group for youth ages 14 - 22  meets twice a month through May.   Parents, caregivers and guardians have their own meeting at the same time in the same building. Light dinner of pizza and salad will be served.

Register:  http://formedfamiliesforward.org/youth-together-peer-group/    or (703) 539-2904



CHADD:  Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

The West Fairfax CHADD Parent Support Group meets each 2nd & 4th Thurs. at 7:30 pm  (Mar. 12 & 26) in Room 201 at Fairfax Church of Christ, 3901 Rugby Road, Fairfax, VA  22033    Contact Sharon 703 716-4646 or clintob@aol.com.

Support Group for Middle School Students with ADHD  meets the first Sunday of each month 2:00 - 3:00 pm 4031 Univ. Dr Fairfax, VA enter on South St.  No parents!

Support Group for High School Students with ADHD  meets the first Sunday of each month 3:30 - 5:00 pm 4031 Univ. Dr Fairfax, VA enter on South St.  No parents!

Call 703-403-3335 to enter the building.  Contact:  coach@BrainRelief.org  (703) 641-8940 

Support Group for Parents of Teens and Young Adults with ADHD

Mon. March 23, 2015  7:30 pm Fairfax Circle Church 3110 Chichester Lane, Fairfax, VA 22031

For more information:  phone/text  703-489-4626 or ocgreulich@aol.com


NAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness works to build better lives for those affected by mental illness.

Oakton Family Support Group meets on the 1st Thurs. of each month, 7:30-9:00 pm

Rm 9 of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax, 2709 Hunter Mill Rd.

Contact:  Joanna Walker at 703 620-2633 or Joannaw.walker@gmail.com

For other Family Support Groups visit http://www.nami-northernvirginia.org/for-families-and-friends.html


Friday, March 20, 2015

Educational professionals meeting

What a great meeting today of educational professionals in Alexandria. 

We met in Miss Anne's Classroom (RV) 

Pictured are: 
(From left to right) 

Anne Thomas Bryant 

Cathy Canfield, MSW, LCSW, LICSW
Counseling of Alexandria

Kellie Meehan (me) 
CARES: Childrens Academic Resource & Educational Services 

Deidre Dennis, MA CCC/SLP
Practical Speech Solutions 

Christine Cridland, OTR/L
Handwriting Christine 